March 3, 2023

Should you get paid BACK for being healthy? Or should you pay it FORWARD to those who need it most for being healthy?

Should you get paid BACK for being healthy? Or should you pay it FORWARD to those who need it most for being healthy?

Should you get paid BACK for being healthy?

Or should you pay it FORWARD to those who need it most for being healthy?

AND get paid back yourself too?

Several health & wellness companies have recently tried to crack the code for “how do we incentivize people to be healthier?”

And mostly with rising healthcare costs & chronic disease rates in mind. The United States spends the most on healthcare out of any other nation & also has the highest chronic disease rates… So clearly our current model of combating poor lifestyle choices & disease once they arise isn’t working.

We have to be more proactive in how we care for our bodies & minds if we want both of those numbers ^ to drop.

And while getting paid back for engaging in healthy behaviors sounds great…

What if your healthy decisions actually improved the lives of others?

Could that actually be more motivating?

There’s a reason why we’re often willing to work that much harder when we know there’s a purpose that’s “bigger than us” behind it.

Vizer is the first to deliver on this solution. The Vizer app allows you to track your activity and donate a meal for every 10k steps, 30 minutes of activity, or fitness class you complete each day. For every 3 meals you donate, you earn points you can use toward health & wellness products available in their rewards store.

These redeemable products are made available through better for you CPG and health & wellness partners who align with their vision to make health more accessible to all. And provide nourishing meals to families in need across America.

Vizer users have donated over 4 million meals to date, and the app continues to be one of the most popular health & fitness offerings in the App Store.