June 19, 2023

Everything we’ve been taught about brain health is backwards

Everything we’ve been taught about brain health is backwards

Everything we’ve been taught about brain health is backwards.

Most of the brain health products on the market are rooted in quick fixes.

They promise an instantaneous solve to whatever we’re feeling in the moment.


“I’m tired” → Hand me something that’ll give me energy

“I’m distracted” → Hand me something that’ll help me focus

“I’m stressed” → Hand me something that’ll calm me down


It’s all about moment to moment performance.

And none of it actually nourishes our brain, our master and most prized organ.


The brain is at the center of everything we do, yet we often overlook it.

We don’t make caring for it a daily habit.


Cristina Poindexter and Brian McGrath Davis, founders of Parable, are on a mission to demystify brain health and make long-term briancare accessible.

And they kicked off this mission with the launch of their hero product, Daily

A clinically-validated, unflavored and versatile powder that’s rich in 8 vital brain nutrients.


Brian and Christina did a randomized controlled trial on their formula despite all 8 ingredients already having their own clinical literature.

They chose this route because they’re only interested in creating the highest quality products for your brain that live up to that with evidence.

Which is especially important in the supplement space.


It took them over 2 years to get to market because they didn’t want to cut corners on formulation…

And wanted to partner with the best neuroscientists in the world who had spent their careers studying optimal nutrients for the brain.


Parable sees themselves as bridge builders from the world of brain science to consumers.

They see a huge opportunity to help people learn how to care for their brain and reap the benefits of it.


Those rewards aren’t necessarily “better, faster, stronger” as other products on the market may have you convinced brain health is about.

It’s peace, calm, and getting through the day in a composed and stable way.


A “parable” = is a complex truth made simple through story

And that’s exactly what they’re out to do.


It begins with Daily, an easy-add on to any part of your morning routine….

But if Parable only sells supplements and doesn’t affect wider change, they view that as failure.

Their goal is to usher in a wider movement about taking care of your brain in the long run.


It’s very important to Parable as a brand to debunk that brain health is not a quick fix or silver bullet.

Brain health is very complex and nutrition is just one pillar in that equation.


They care deeply about being honest with customers about what their product is and what it’s not…

While also putting all their content through rigorous quality filters to ensure everything they’re saying about the brain is accurate and all-encompassing.